Wednesday, July 06, 2011

How we spent Monday!

I finally got to wear this dress I meant to wear last year.
 Mom making bruschetta ,special for Ed<3 It was delish!

 This pie was insaaaane.
        Happy mom in the kitchen :D                     Ed on the phone with Adobe troubleshooting D:
           Guppy getting away from all the noise.
 new feathers!
 she aaaaalmost ate a spider :x

Mom made delicious mashed potatoes and baked chicken with panko crumbs yum!
    Gloria brought us beautiful sunflowers and a vase/s since she remembered I don't have one.

After dinner Ed read our mom's taro and we ate pie a la mode while watching Wilfred (I♥that show!) Once it got dark we drove around our neighborhood looking for fireworks. Some of our neighbors had some serious stuff, you know a firework is good when you can't help jump up and down and yell "whoo hoo".

 We had a  great 4th of July! I used to get really sad on this day, but we such had a good time. I can't wait to have many more happy holidays in our home<3


  1. the back of that shirt is wicked awesome!! and your kitty is such a doll :) happy wednesday!

  2. First of all, you and Ed look so happy together!

    Your Momma cooked for you guys I am so jealous and oh my did that all look delicious! I want those mashed potatoes and panko crusted chicken!

    Your dress is adorable and so are you my dear. Beautiful smile to light up a room for sure !

  3. Love the picture of your mom brushing the bread...... very warm picture. :) Looks like you all have a great time. Happy Wednesday. :)

  4. You are an amazing couple. LOVE it. And that dress. AND I can never get over how much I love your cat. So much love!

  5. Looks like an awesome holiday!

  6. i love how both you and kitty are saying cheese! hehe

  7. That sounds like such an amazing time! That food looks so yummy (and I don't even eat meat!).
    I adore that last photo of the two of you-so cute!

  8. Your mom is awesome.

  9. You guys make me feel warm and squishy<3


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