Monday, July 04, 2011

I'm postponing the giveaway till Thursday,  see you soon!


  1. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Happy 4th of July to all of you! Great photos. Love the outfit. :)

  2. I blame you for making me want to dress up my new kitty! :) She has no idea what I plan on doing to her (evil cackle). Did you make that lil number?

    Have a great 4th, eating, drinking and maybe even blowing shit up!

  3. cute pics! i love animals in clothes so cute hehe

  4. Adorable cats (and blog)! I just bought a sphynx kitten... it hasn't been going great as of yet, but she looks just like yours but with hazel eyes, she's a beauty!

  5. Your cats are adorable!!! I am really shocked to see that they're okay wearing some cat would have ripped it to shreds...ha


  6. New follower here! I stumbled upon your blog when I was reading Elycia's most recent blog and I'm so glad I did! I loooooove cats (yes that much!) and your fancy felines are fabulous! I have 3 little lions myself and blog about them...a lot. I'm excited to catch up on your posts.


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