Sunday, September 14, 2008

New Name!

My lovely banner, created by my love<3

So...I'm starting a new blog and shop name. I'm tired of Danielleorama. I want my name out of it, so here's my attempt at reinventing myself :) Hopefully it will inspire me to start making things again *fingers crossed*.

We're picking up RockBand2 today and I'm pretty sure that's what we'll be doing aaaall day! Other things on the agenda are getting rid of stuff we dont need. So far we have weeded down the DVDs a lot! Getting rid of massive amounts of legos, cleaning the house like crazy,painting the walls possibly and getting the 2nd room ready for what will be our child's room in the next year or two...or three. Our 2nd room is pretty full and if it were to burn I don't think I'd miss anything in there so it's time to purge :x

I have been pretty unhappy and it all boils down to not creating anything and my weight. My weight is pretty much the center of it all. Shopping makes me extremely happy, along with getting dressed etc. So where I'm at right now is not working for me. I don't think I'll join WW but it's time for me to really get serious again. I wish I could snap my fingers and have the weight be gone but I know it's gonna take a lot of work :/

That's all for now, time to walk....although I'd much rather stay on the couch.

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