Friday, January 22, 2010

Oh goodness....I am a leetle beet tired. I signed up for Shmancy's olympic challenge and the swap Katie set up. I have 30 meat boys to finish, and my valentine birdies. I also have a few things started that I have no idea what they will be, maybe I should combine them all?...

This week has been filled with starting projects, cooking dinners,scheduling long overdue appointments(dentist for me and vet for Moxie),handling Ed's etsy and the babiest of Jacks. My weightloss is going pretty darn well and my sleep has been good too, whuuut!

I need to buckle down and sew this weekend and I really wanna make some bows like Elsie :D I have so much cute fabric! A bow for everyone!

K, that's all folks!


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