(lol surely)
We found our very first garden snake. I wanted to keep him! He was so lovey(or very cold:) we now have a good bit of grass and a lovely flagstone area :) This spot before was completely full of weeds, huge dandelion ones and kind of an uneven slope. Now we have to decorate down there! Soon we will have steps leading down from the grass to that area and a veggie patch on the big square platform that held the last homeowners swingin' hot tub :x
With the rainy weather and it being just us two in the house again it feels all cozy and magical and the idea of having Christmas here is making us feel all wiggly! It's a damn good house<3 The yard coming together makes me feel extra good and thanks to this wonderous thing our floors are the cleanest they've been since we moved in. That steam mop is freakin great! I did the whole 1st level, stairs, landing and still had water in the tank! It looks like it's about $20 cheaper now too :D
I gotta get dinner started and have lots of work to do on Isaac plushes but I will be back tomorrow with a mushy love post<3

Oh man, I'd love to see more photos of your house. The exterior looks amazing and the back patio area too. What a cool home!
Glad to see your house is starting to feel like a home! Our house was built in 1969 so we spend time renovating. New fireplace finally goes in next week! Can't wait to cuddle all winter long with Chris and the animals!
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