I've been going a little doll crazy over here...it all started with Angie's post about her awesome giveaway win. I've always liked ball jointed dolls and admired them on flickr, but a quick search on ebay will yield results for dolls as small as 4 inches going for $500 and up! Anyway after shouting to Ed,"I want one of these dolls!!" I hopped over to ebay and found a relatively cheap body with makeup and eyelashes included. Separately I bought eyes, a wig, and wig cap. So far the body has come and sadly I think her eyes will be the last to arrive D: so she's a little scary looking at the moment. I'm looking forward to putting her together and taking photos! Luckily blythe clothes fit this body but not the shoes, her feet are big!
I've ordered another little treat that should be arriving soon too :x but I'll show you that when I get it. As I patiently wait for everything to arrive my attention turned to my blythes. The very first Blythe I ever bought was a Cinnamon Girl in maybe 2002 or 2003, i found out about them through some livejournal community and I fell in love. I thought I would be able to customize her and sew her little clothes. I honestly didn't like the way she looked at all but she was the cheapest one at around $160. This was before I had sewed any plush or knew how to use a sewing machine so I have no clue why I thought I'd master making intricate little clothes. I felt that the customizing tutorials were way over my head and way too scary to try on something that cost so much. Out of boredom and frustration i sort of ...ruined her, kind of making her look like a zombie with acrylic paints. When I posted photos of her like this several livejournalers commented in outrage! They couldn't believe what I had done. I ended up throwing her away at the dump and I cringe when I think about it now... Only for some reason recently did I feel like I might be able to sand a face and give rerooting hair a shot.
Tonight I bit the bullet and took apart my cheaper prima violet with the help of Ed. I sanded her face, added some eye shadow and blush with a little mac shadow and painted a little light lip on with acrylic paint. The best part about being doll crazy is Ed never complains when I buy toys, only shoes and clothes :3
I love her new face SO much better already. I hate hate the shiny look!
Her scalp is already detached and ready to give rerooting a shot when my supplies come in. I already foresee there being a lot of cursing. If it wasn't for Ed i wouldn't have gotten her head back together as it :) I wish I was better with tutorials and mechanical things but I just dont process it well or I get too anxious about it. Anyway I'll let you know how it goes. If you're curious this is the best website I've found tutorials, patterns for clothes too.
Please if you have a minute check out these 2 links!

I have to say doll's creep me out most of the time. can't help it!
I've always wanted a blythe too, but never could afford it. I always wanted to sand a face and reroot a scalp too. I hope yours goes well!
Love and Turtledoves,
My Grandma had some of these that probably forever scarred me. I still vaguely remember some of the horrible nightmares. Dolls eyes should not move! That goes for creepy mouth movements too ...
That first photo is pretty terrifying.
woah, you did a really good job on the pink haired doll
looking forward to seeing the other one when it has eyes, its a little creepy st the moment
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