tired. I rode all over turning in applications and filling them out. I'm on the job hunt again......and no I don't even want to talk about it, it's that ridiculous. I'm feeling good though, I've been snapped out of the fog I was in and have been sewing every night. That makes me feel heaps better about myself and everything else. Thanks to all the cycling at the gym I rode my bike up the hill down, down the street, with out standing up to pedal for the first time ever! I didn't go to my ww meeting last week so I can't adjust my ticker, but I'll be going this Saturday. Bridget went without me (yay!) and she lost *drum roll*......7lbs!! She's so awesome. That definitely motivated me to keep on keepin' on.
We've been watching lots of Howard Stern On Demand and loving it and we're watching season 1 of 90210, so fabulous!! Ed is such a good sport<3
On Sunday we went to a cometary that we haven't really explored much, it's really run down. Ed lifted up a board and we found a blue belly. I hardly placed my finger on his tail and it fell off and proceeded to wiggle for at least a minute. It totally looked like a worm too, I had to keep reminding myself it was a tail so I wouldn't eat it........what? no that's gross! Onto the plush!

More new stuff on my flickr!I also added more jewelry pics to my mom's set :)p.s. My mom got her very first Etsy sale yesterday!! Thanks
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