Last night I took a break from Meat Boys to make something just for fun. I haven't don't much in this new year so my brain is kinda off track, i just stood up looking at my fleece going "uuummm, uuuh", picking up a color and then putting it back, then I decided on a moth. I realize his designs should be on the back but ya know my plush aren't known for being anatomically correct,not in the wang sense, like my nautilus' are upside down cuz they LOOK BETTER like that! I want to make more but first I really need to finish those damn Meat Boys and I have a commission from a dear customer, but then it's more moths I think.

I'm relaxin on the couch having my after dinner coffee and I'm determined to write something. I decided to drop the weight loss blog, this blog is about my life and losing weight is part of my life so I'll just include it here. Updating 2 blogs is for queers. So the last time I went to Weight Watchers in the beginning of Feb. I had gained and I was up to 199 yesterday I weighed myself when I woke up(clothes on) and I weighed 197 so I'm pretty happy with that. I have been doing my best to eat well, I'm staying away from buying things that are overly processed. I figure the more simple what i put in my body is the i read this article on "lowfat" and snack foods , things that are engineered to make us want more. When i have a clearer understanding of those things I do better.
I've been making an effort to make sure i have an equal amount of carbs and protein and pretty much all my snacks are fruit, fruit and yogurt, or tea. buying organic fair trade fruit and veggies pretty much ensures that I will eat those expensive muthas. so yeah I feel good about that and once I get this sinus thing/allergies under control I'll be exercising more frequently.
There is something that is making me sad, but I'm trying not be, and just embrace the lesson if there is one. I found this journal few months ago when it was featured on the front page of LiveJournal. I had known about Cystic Fibrosis before I found Eva but never read about someone's life and felt like i knew them in the way you do when you read someones blog. Anyhow she posted a video last week basically saying she wont be getting another lung transplant and that she has a few days to live...What I can take from this is to not miss smoking, to feel lucky that I have healthy lungs, it seems like such a fuck you when there are people who's lungs are drowning. I can be positive and get more out of my days. I can live a full life, it doesn't feel like I am when Ed is pretty much glued to the computer for the next 5months but when Meat Boy comes out I want to take a good break and have lots of fun with my love.
I don't want to have a near death experience or some catastrophe happen to learn that we should live like there's no tomorrow, I get it, I just have to be patient.
And something I just need to vent about is these fucks, leaving this girl comments about reading the bible...MOTHER FUCK! this beautiful talented young woman is dying through no fault of her own and you wanna talk getting saved with her?? She says she has days, don't try and make yourself feel better thinking you will get her into heaven, its none of your fucking business. People have no tact.

I'm relaxin on the couch having my after dinner coffee and I'm determined to write something. I decided to drop the weight loss blog, this blog is about my life and losing weight is part of my life so I'll just include it here. Updating 2 blogs is for queers. So the last time I went to Weight Watchers in the beginning of Feb. I had gained and I was up to 199 yesterday I weighed myself when I woke up(clothes on) and I weighed 197 so I'm pretty happy with that. I have been doing my best to eat well, I'm staying away from buying things that are overly processed. I figure the more simple what i put in my body is the i read this article on "lowfat" and snack foods , things that are engineered to make us want more. When i have a clearer understanding of those things I do better.
I've been making an effort to make sure i have an equal amount of carbs and protein and pretty much all my snacks are fruit, fruit and yogurt, or tea. buying organic fair trade fruit and veggies pretty much ensures that I will eat those expensive muthas. so yeah I feel good about that and once I get this sinus thing/allergies under control I'll be exercising more frequently.
There is something that is making me sad, but I'm trying not be, and just embrace the lesson if there is one. I found this journal few months ago when it was featured on the front page of LiveJournal. I had known about Cystic Fibrosis before I found Eva but never read about someone's life and felt like i knew them in the way you do when you read someones blog. Anyhow she posted a video last week basically saying she wont be getting another lung transplant and that she has a few days to live...What I can take from this is to not miss smoking, to feel lucky that I have healthy lungs, it seems like such a fuck you when there are people who's lungs are drowning. I can be positive and get more out of my days. I can live a full life, it doesn't feel like I am when Ed is pretty much glued to the computer for the next 5months but when Meat Boy comes out I want to take a good break and have lots of fun with my love.
I don't want to have a near death experience or some catastrophe happen to learn that we should live like there's no tomorrow, I get it, I just have to be patient.
And something I just need to vent about is these fucks, leaving this girl comments about reading the bible...MOTHER FUCK! this beautiful talented young woman is dying through no fault of her own and you wanna talk getting saved with her?? She says she has days, don't try and make yourself feel better thinking you will get her into heaven, its none of your fucking business. People have no tact.
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