Tuesday, April 20, 2010

6 minutes till 5 years!!

Wow 5 years of marriage! I don't care what people say being married is different and it rules! We mostly just celebrate our "real anniversary" since it seems so much more epic gonna be 11 years next October, but this is pretty important too so I thought I'd share<3 It was so wonderful and I can hardly remember it. We weren't even sure that we were gonna get married that day, we just went to buy our rings and then decided to go for it since it happened to be Ed's grandparent's and his Mom and Dusty's anniversary. I was almost as nervous as when Ed proposed, I felt like I was gonna pass out and my knees kept locking and unlocking, so yeah I'm glad we weren't in front of a ton of people :)

1 comment:

Ana Camamiel said...

Hey! Congratulations! This is so cool! I´m sure you´ll have DECADES of happiness. What a good-looking couple! :)
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