Friday, April 23, 2010

Happy Friday :D

I had an excellent day yesterday. I sat down to make an owl and ended up with 2 sweet hedgehogs. I love when that happens, I sleep well and my brain is pleased with itself. I have an idea for a hedgie brooch so we'll see how that turns out.

Something from Cassie that makes me laugh :)

giving myself a mani/pedi tonight

neon mac pigments and growing hair

Monty and Christoff Hedgehog!

I made 50 buttons out of my fabric scraps last night, I love making buttons!

My favorite, from a piece of selvage

My mom came over with Acacia and we walked to the panaderia and got cookies, it was cold!

I'm pretty excited to be going to see David Sedaris in a few days with my mom, I hope my sister will decide to come and make someone else work for her!! *hint*

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