I told you I would be having SO much fun at PuglyPixel!! Looky the awesomeness except for the bowling sticker, i found that on google images, oh and the tape is from Amy!
Luckily I have an appointment tomorrow to see about my IUD, i want that &#%@ out! I've been taking it easy and havent been on the treadmill in 2 days. I might try like 10 min. or something before I go to bed but I'm not sure I should...Ed is clearly worried that if he doesn't encourage me to walk right now I'll totally stop, he doesn't have lady parts so i know he doesn't quite get it -_-
Tonight we went bowling with Katie, it was supposed to be a double date but her girlfriend is a big canceler Boooo!...Anyway I met Katie at ♥Starbucks♥, she has made me coffee about 267 times aaand she's awesome so we finally hung out :) I totally owned tonight! I can't wait to get my Hello Kitty bowling ball drilled to my "toe thumb" specifications, then I will probably need to join a league from the sheer skills I will possess.
Do you see that lil black kitty!? I could have died, he was soooo fuzzy and wonderful<3 Ok I gotta go, I've spent waaay too much time on here tonight.

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