Monday, June 27, 2011

Stinkin Lincoln

Because he's so stinkin cute! Also....pretty bad gas :x On Sunday Ed's cousin Gavin, his wife Stephanie, and their baby came for a visit. Seriously! How cute is he??!! Such an unfair advantage with that jaunty cap too!

 We have identical legs.
 Stephanie picked out a bunny for Lincoln from the new minis I made, dont worry she wont let him eat the eyes!
 This is what I made specifically for him, it started out as a turtle and then  this is what I ended up with. The whole process was I really really like the way it turned out and so did baby and parents :D

 Perfectly placed sign ha!
 Lincoln is not impressed.
 We tried this hip new ice creamery that always has a line out the door...
The chocolate sorbet was good, but overall pretty disappointing. I had reallt hyped it up for myself so yeah...
 Baby with creepy glasses=creepy baby.

I'll be back soon for Movie Monday aaaaand I'll be updating my shop with a few new plush and brooches :D


Krista said...

OMG he is so cute, look at those chubby thighs!!! Great pictures and your plushies are too cute!

I hate it when I eat something that I know is bad for me and it isn't fabulous!! The worst is when I eat french fries (which I love) and they are soggy...I'll still eat em' though.

Cas said...

Him with that hat??? Irresistible. Gah!

Unknown said...

OMG, I have that picture from the 80's!!! Me in my car seat and my aunt putting those silly eyeball glasses me. Its good to know that its still stinken' funny.

O. said...

He's so cute! Love the chunky monkey legs.

Nikki Mortham said...

Yay! I'm so glad you got the dresses. I was beyond thrilled to see an order to Santa Cruz so I shipped it faster. I went to UCSC and I miss living there! Tough place to shop vintage, the thrift stores are picked over and places like Moon Zoom can be a bit pricey.

Where is the new ice cream place?
PS: LOVE the picture in front of planned parenthood!