I have been using this thing NON STOP! I love it SO MUCH! At first I was a little bit scared that it was gonna be complicated but it's the simplest thing in the world. I love mixing the different flavors! Two large (9.5oz) cups fit in my 20 oz mug with just enough room for cream. Ed is super pleased because I wont be constantly asking to go by starbucks :D I wouldn't recommend it if you like really bitter/strong coffee though, one of the reasons I never wanted to make coffee at home was I could never get it just right so i wouldn't burn my stomach. The black tea is super good, but the hot chocolate was pretty watery. There are so many options on Amazon, I want to get the Celestial Seasonings tea sampler! there's hot cider too and a ton of different flavored coffees.
All in all a great gift! and it's extra sweet because Ed had to go by my salon to find out what the hell it actually was and what he needed to go with it :3

That gif made my evening. Why can't we be neighbours?! Coffee and gifs for all!
My boyfriend and I are jealous... jsut saying XD
Mmmm!!! I LOVE that Jen and I have 24/7 use of her parents Keurig. The thing is HEAVENLY. If we move out on our own again, we're surely getting one of our own. ASAP. I highly recommend Butter Toffee and Kahlua flavored k-cups. Nom!!!
Also, I'm not sure if you have this, but if not... You can also buy a little "strainer" thingamajig which will let you use loose tea, coffee grounds and more.
Lately our morning consists of coffee that is: Archer Farms Pumpkin Spice Coffee (the. best.) > Gingerbread Latte creamer > two packets of Splenda. DELICIOUS.
Also, your gif is ACE.
looks like a handy thing to have at home, especially if it's so great with diffrent flavors! would love to try it sometime. enjoy it! :)
We love our Keurig! I'm actually too cheap to buy the instant cups but I use the filter with my regular ground coffee every day - I love it.
Love your blog BTW.
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