Thursday, December 27, 2007

Yay! it's over!

Merry Xmas everyone!! We had a good one but I'm sooo glad it's over. It seems like every time I should be sewing I just can't bring myself to do it. I would have liked to make more least I got Jackie's lady bug and Grandma's bear done! Anyhow this post is kind of a mess because my brain has yet to recover.

My sister got me this vintage Rainbow Brite and ALL of her friends! Jealous?! She also got me all the movies we watched religiously when we were little : Loverboy, Troop Beverly Hills, and Adventures in Babysitting!! I have the best big sis evaaar!<3

The lady bug I made Jackie (my sis-in-law)

the back

Jackie's gift to Ed...I'm going to have nightmares!

Uncle Ed and Acacia playing the turtle drum.

This is our 9th xmas together!!!

My love<3

I got Ed a bunch of never opened Lego sets from 1992, pirates and cowboys!! and a bunch of creepy medical photo books.

Ed got me an awesome new sewing machine, a huge step up from my old one. I just have to figure it out a bit more :) And then if that wasn't enough he tells me he has one more little thing and plops the big keyboard down on my lap. That guy is crazy! He also got me a tamagotchi, Paris to the Moon, and the new work from David and Amy sedaris that I didn't even know about, The Book of Liz.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, we absolutely have the best bro-in-law ever. He fixed Ed's Rock Band drum pedal and now it's even better than before. Look at that craftsmanship!!

Last but not least my present toErin. I was quite pleased with this, it looks just like her!

Me and Bridge haven't exchanged gifts yet, that will have to wait till Friday. Zomg guys Lauren is coming to visit tomorrow, I'll try not to get us arrested :)

p.s. Some new plush on my Flick.

1 comment:

The Millionizer said...

oh my god! that's the exact sewing machine i have! sorry i couldn't go tonight. i now have to shove chemo pills down my cats throat. i'm going to be needing a drink next week if you're up for it.