I am sooo sooo tired, definitely not sleeping well and everyday is full of moving and errands to run. Now added to our list of things to do is having some glass replaced on the sliding glass door. When the landscaper was weed whacking a rock completely shattered the outer pain of the stationary part. Thank goodness it is double pained so no dirt or glass got inside, the floors had just been cleaned that morning and that would have sucked a lot, i probably would have thrown myself down and cried at this point. I feel pretty bad for the guy since the work that he did will probably be equal to the cost of the window. Wow, this is really interesting right?!

All i have for you is this crappy phone pic of my brother in law looking like basement cat. This is our bedroom and those are supposed to be blackout drapes, we'll see. This is the first time we've ever not tacked towels or blankets over our bedroom window *cue The Jeffersons theme song*

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