(doodle by Ed<3)
You can also learn something about Ed from this doodle. If I ask him to draw me something and he's in what I call a "funny mood" he will tease me by drawing weird things...like him as this rodent thing holding my shoe. I've learned to just go with it otherwise his mood will flip and he'll just close whatever he was working on and then I have nothing... *sigh* temperamental artists.
So if you can take your eye's off lil freak Ed you will see that I indeed have toe thumbs. I'm not sure what other people call them but if i place them where my big toe is they look like they belong on my feet so...No one has ever really made fun of them, some giant chola girl called me thumbelina in 8th grade and that was alright with me, ya know as long as it ended there and she didn't stab me or anything. Ed's mom was freaked out by them when we first started dating, which puts my hands in the same category as rat's tails in her mind!
But then in 2007 along come a lil lady you may have heard of named Megan Fox...she has toe thumbs!

Who knows by now how many people have undergone plastic surgery to get these smoking hot thumbs that I was just lucky enough to be blessed with at birth!
Do you have an "odd" physical feature!? what is it?
I loved reading your comments on No.4. I'm feeling more and more normal as I post these :D

I have matching freckles!!! On my eyelids, each underside of my forearm, each calf and even on my butt. :3 It's really weird - I call them "snake eyes" as it's just one freckle, on each side!
I also have abnormally large hands for a girl. /shrug
Ehh, I can't look left with my left eye, so to look left I either turn my head (feels and looks a bit zombyish, but nothing special) or close my left eye. Not a big problem really.
My husband has crazily long toes, which look like small fingers. He calls his feet his "finger farm" where he grows replacement fingers in case of accident.
I have large feet and an astounding amount of chin hair that seems to grow 6 inches overnight.
I too have toe thumbs! I'm not alone!
This made me smile. I played soccer with a gorgeous girl in college and her thumbs were like that. I was secretly jealous cause she was so pretty I thought they were the coolest kind of thumbs anyone could ever have!
Wahaha! I love the beastly rodent Ed doodle. :P
My second toes are longer than my big toes. That's weird right? *laughs*
I have a big birthmark on my right calf that looks sort of like a big brown bandaid. It makes me look even more pale than I already am, as though someone blessed with a nice tan donated a section of flesh to my leg. Kids in grade school used to think I had dirt on my leg, although I'm not sure why. It looks nothing like dirt. I used to draw a tail and a face on it and make it into a seal.
I'm tan/olive skin but because of my mom I inherited some freckles but only on my face. She has them all over LOL. Anyway, I've always had a freckle right under my nostril so in elementary some kids would say I had a brown bugger. I so hated having freckles. Recently I read a quote about freckles that made me smile... A girl without freckles is like a night without stars...
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