Thank you so much for your kind words about little Tortellini. I feel a lot better today though I have my moments. Last night we looked at the website of the same breeder where we got Tammy, to see if she had any available kittens. Well there was just one girl, a seal point (the original coloring I was looking for) mixed with a tortie(what I fell in love with). I emailed the breeder and she got back to me right away letting me know she was ready to go home.
Ed and I talked about it and agreed she was precious and still really did want a kitten and playmate for Tammy. I posted on the sphynx forum I'm a member of asking if I was a horrible person for "replacing" her so quickly. All the kind responses made me feel so at ease with our decision. I had a lot of love ready to give to a kitten, and it doesn't mean I loved little T any less. It does feel strange to be excited to meet her while still feeling very sad. I still have some questions about little T but it's neither her nor there at this point, life is short and I dont want to dwell on a situation I have no control over. If there would be an upside to this the way the breeder is acting right now I feel like I dodged a bullet.
On a much happier note she got a clean bill of health from the vet today, and we pick her up from the airport on Monday. I can't believe it. It just seems meant to be, I really couldn't have gone through the anxiety of waiting for months and thinking at any moment something could go wrong. I have complete faith in Tammy's breeder and she's been nothing but professional. Ooo also her and Tammy will be real sisters! they have the same dad. I'm so excited to see them together<3
These are her most recent photos, look at those aqua eyes<3
Thank you all again for your support.
Edit: I didn't realize I had this one, I think this is a stage between the first and the last two photos.

I am so happy for you Danielle! I lost a baby animal last week, my dog Ludo. He was with me for six years but I still feel cheated out of more time we could have had together. He was an amazing friend and I am truly heartbroken over the loss. The house seems so empty with only the 2 cats now, and I've been thinking about another dog. I feel guilty for even wanting to, like I'm trying to replace him. I know what you mean though, sadness and excitement; it's a really strange feeling. I think your new addition will be wonderful and you inspire me to follow my heart. :)
It's nice to know I'm not alone. I'm so sorry, 6 years is just not enough! but I definitely think life is too short to feel guilty or worry about what other people might think because no matter what our babies would want us to be happy<3
im glad you got a new kitty that youre happy with.. its realy hard to lose a cat like that. This new one has gorgeous eyes too xx
It's still so sad what happened, but it's so great of you to open your hearts and homes to this other beautiful baby. And so so cool they're related and your new one is coming so soon! I can't wait to hear all about it. :)
Aw a new kitty will complete your family and bring some joy! But I know you will always remember little tortellini.
She's beautiful!
i'm so happy!! and it doesn't make you horrible. my pug was killed unexpectedly last year and we brought home another pug from the pound less than a week later. i felt really guilty about it at first but you wouldn't believe how much it helped me heal after all that sadness.
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